Welcome to the Grantown-on-Spey branch of the u3a, where we look to continue learning, and engage in diverse activities. Please visit the “about us” page to find out more. We are a lively group of people and are sure that you will find something of interest.
We also very much hope that you will come along to a meeting and see what you might be missing. We are always keen to welcome visitors and new members. The u3a Movement The u3a movement is a self-help organisation for people no longer in full time employment, providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment. It consists of local u3as all over the UK, which are run entirely by volunteers. Local u3a groups draw upon the knowledge, experience and skills of their own members to organise and provide Interest Groups suggested by the members themselves. The sky is the limit – or, more correctly, the only limit upon the variety of Interest Groups is the aspirations, skills and willingness of the membership. Across Great Britain these groups offer the chance to study over 300 different subjects in such fields as art, languages, music, history, life sciences, philosophy, computing, crafts, photography and walking. A typical u3a might have about 250 members but could be as small as 12 and as large as 2000+. The u3a approach to learning is learning for pleasure. Our motto is Learn – Laugh – Live. There are no entrance requirements – many of us join a group in total ignorance of its subject matter. There is no accreditation or validation and there are no assessments or qualifications to be gained; just the joy of learning, of sharing and of discovering new friends. Today, there are over 1,000 u3a's throughout the United Kingdom with over 425,000 members. These groups are all supported by the national organisation, the Third Age Trust. When you join Grantown on Spey u3a you are automatically a member of the wider network and can subscribe to the professionally produced magazine, “Third Age Matters” and you may choose to attend Scotland-wide Zoom Interest Groups, study days and summer schools. Just check out the membership page to see how to join. |
U3A UK website - https://www.u3a.org.uk/
U3A Scotland website - https://scotland.u3asite.uk/ Links to other groups in Grantown-on-Spey and vicinity: Grantown Museum - www.grantownmuseum.co.uk YMCA Grantown Community Centre - www.grantowncommunitycentre.org Cromdale - https://www.cromdale.org/ Boat of Garten Community Hall - boatofgarten.com/boat-hall Grantown Society - www.thegrantownsociety.org |